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Ageing is inevitable, yet we each determine how we age.
Ellen Kocher is a Swiss-American economist and certified Workplace Wellness Consultant and Holistic Health Coach. With a master’s degree in Health & Wellness Coaching and multiple accreditations, Ellen has lived in Switzerland for three decades. She has dedicated the last 15+ years to coaching hundreds of individuals and groups in dozens of organizations to make sustainable lifestyle changes, empowering them to go from knowing what to do to actually doing it!
Dominique Ben Dhaou has been working in human resources leadership for over 30 years. As the founder and Managing Director of the consulting firm, PointNorth International, she helps professionals and executives reinvent careers that truly fit their experience, values, skills and purpose. In 2016, she was named "Best Professional in Human Resources.” In 2018, she was voted "Best Leader of the Year" by the same organization.
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