
Lifestyle choices to make in a time

Physical and Emotional Lifestyle Choices To Make in a Time of Renewal and Recharge

What leaves will you be shedding?  The current season may be called fall, but it’s anything but a letdown. Yes, the days will soon feel shorter, but right now, you’re busy. You’ve just finished harvesting and, at the same time, are already preparing to sow new seeds in the new year.  We’re amid the Autumn […]

Physical and Emotional Lifestyle Choices To Make in a Time of Renewal and Recharge Lire la suite »

Blue hat guy

Your Single Biggest Investment Deserves a Check-Up

What’s the secret to satisfaction in life? None of us are 100% happy or 100% fulfilled every single day, every single month, year after year. But what sets apart those who report high levels of overall satisfaction in their lives from those who don’t? One word: Commitment. Commitment to themselves.  Commitment to doing the inner

Your Single Biggest Investment Deserves a Check-Up Lire la suite »

Pre-retirement programs - its time to grow up

Pre-retirement programs – it’s time to grow up!

Nearly 40% of the workforce in Europe, the UK and the US are over 50.  Today’s demographics mean a projected lifespan of well over 80 years. Depending upon when one “retires”, that sums up to 20-30 years of exciting, active life to prepare for!  Global aging requires us to re-think traditional “retirement” programs which focused

Pre-retirement programs – it’s time to grow up! Lire la suite »

Would you like to learn to coach the aging population? Our 7-Hour WUSUT Coach Training is now approved for ICF & NBHWC CE

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